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McKinney Boyd, ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ and McKinney North Graduations in Photos!

Shane Mauldin|
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
(l-r) McKinney Boyd High School Valedictorian Matthew Johnson, McKinney High School Valedictorian Nora Kristufek and McKinney North High School Valedictorian Sohee Kim

(l-r) McKinney Boyd High School Valedictorian Matthew Johnson, McKinney High School Valedictorian Nora Kristufek and McKinney North High School Valedictorian Sohee Kim

McKinney, Texas – On Friday, May 24, 2024, ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ held commencement exercises for approximately 1,800 seniors from McKinney Boyd High School, McKinney High School and McKinney North High School at the Credit Union of Texas Event Center in Allen during a day filled with celebration.

It was an early start for Boyd staff and their 600 graduates as they arrived for their 9 a.m. ceremony, and when the long awaited moment arrived, they marched onto the floor of the arena, resplendent in their crimson regalia, and soon they were crossing the stage to receive their diplomas.

At 1 p.m., more than 600 McKinney High School graduates made their entrance in robes of deep blue, accented by brilliant gold stoles amid a roar of adulation from the family and friends who filled the arena to witness the joyful occasion.

And, for the final ceremony of the day, the 500-plus graduates of McKinney North flooded into the arena in their striking blue and orange regalia to the familiar strains of “Pomp and Circumstance” as family and friends looked on, heartily voicing their approval.

Here are the 2024 McKinney Boyd High School, McKinney High School and McKinney North High School graduation ceremonies in photos:

McKinney Boyd High School

Valedictorian: Matthew Johnson
Salutatorian: Nisal Rajapakshe Gamage

Boyd graduates throwing caps in the air

Boyd Valedictorian Matthew Johnson at podium

large group of Boyd graduates making celebratory gestures and expressions at the camera at the end of graduation

boyd graduate Grace Garner posing for a photo with diploma

Boyd salutatorian Nisal Gamage at the podium giving a speech

male Boyd graduate in line looking up toward stage

group of male Boyd graduates talking backstage before the ceremony

french horn players performing during the graduation ceremony

group of male and female Boyd choir members before graduate smiling for camera

female Boyd graduate backstage helping another adjust her hat

Boyd announcer Randy Bilyeu sitting at announcing table before the start of the ceremony

group of Boyd grads laughing and smiling in line before entering the arena

line of Boyd graduates entering the arena, male graduate smiling at camera

female Boyd graduate smiling at camera as she enters the arena for the ceremony

female Boyd graduate entering arena in line with teacher walking beside her

female Boyd graduate entering arena and smiling and waving at camera

male and female Boyd graduates in front row standing and smiling at camera

Board of Trustees standing onstage, President Philip Hassler laughing

Boyd AP Gonzalo Campos fist bumps a female graduate as she heads back to her seat after receiving diploma

line of Boyd graduates entering, female graduate smiling and adjusting hat

Boyd graduates standing at seats, male looking at camera and gesturing with peace sign

Boyd graduates standing at seats, male looking up toward the video screens

line of Boyd graduates arriving at seats, female graduate smiling and looking back and waving to someone

female Boyd graduate in line at seat looking back toward audience and smiling at someone

Boyd principal Dr. Jennifer Peirson at podium clapping and smiling about to speak

line of Boyd choir members on stage, female member looking at another with a smile and her hand to her heart

Boyd female class officer at podium speaking

Another Boyd female class officer at podium speaking

wide view of the entire graduating class seated

MISD superintendent Shawn Pratt at podium speaking to graduates and congratulating them and officially announcing that they are graduates

female Boyd graduate receiving diploma from Board President Philip Hassler

Boyd principal Jennifer Peirson hugging her daughter after presenting her diploma to her

female Boyd graduate receiving diploma from Board member Harvey Oaxaca

male boyd graduate receiving diploma from Harvey Oaxaca

line of Boyd graduates waiting to return to seats after receiving diploma and looking up toward the audience

female Boyd graduate waiting in line and smiling at camera

Boyd graduate getting photo taken with Boyd principal Jennifer Peirson

staff member and mother of Boyd graduate waiting in line to present diploma looking up at someone in the audience and raising her hands and smiling with her daughter

female boyd graduate in line

staff member presenting diploma to son and reaching to hug him

male graduates waiting in line and smiling at camera

close up of female boyd graduate in line looking at camera

Board president philip hassler presents diploma to female boyd graduate

staff member parent hugging graduate after presenting diploma

male graduate waiting on ramp looking up toward someone in audience and making a funny expression

graduation caps with arizona state and smu decorations on them

staff member parent on stage presenting diploma and hugging graduate daughter with smiles

Board vice president amy dankel presenting diploma

boyd male graduate walking across stage with diploma

final Boyd graduate fist bumping announcer

final boyd graduate walking across stage with celebratory gesture of hands in the air as he looks toward the audience

boyd graduates seated in front row

boyd class officer speaking at podium

turning of the tassels

choir onstage, female looking at another choir member and smiling

graduates singing school song clasping hands and raising arms over head

boyd class officer at podium speaking

graduate looking at camera between two graduates in row in front of him

female graduate seating and looking up toward video screen

male graduate seated and looking up toward video screen

boyd class officer at podium in shot taken from side of the stage

graduates standing making boyd hand gesture before the throwing of the hats

female graduate retrieving her hat after tossing it into the air

two female graduates hugging after ceremony

two female graduates in crowd as they leave the arena

two male graduates making celebratory gestures at camera as they leave

three male graduates smiling for camera on their way out

McKinney High School

Valedictorian: Nora Kristufek
Salutatorian: Bailey Yu

ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ graduates toss their hats in the air

ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ valedictorian Nora Kristufek at podium speaking

male ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ graduate walking across the stage with tassel waving wildly

female ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ student makes a celebratory pose for camera with diploma

ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ salutatorian Bailey Yu at podium speaking

ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ choir members holding mics and singing on stage

ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ JROTC members bring in the flags for the national anthem

ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ male graduate adjusts tassel backstage

ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ violin players in orchestra warming up

male ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ students walking in during processional

male ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ graduate in middle of line of graduates during processional

female ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ graduate in line during processional

female mHS student during processional looking toward audience and smiling

male ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ graduate looking back toward audience as he stands at his chair during processional

another male ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ graduate looking back toward audience as he stands at his chair during processional

two female ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ graduates look back toward the audience and wave

male ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ graduate waves toward the audience during processional

line of female graduates standing at seats and smiling at camera during processional

female graduate smiling at camera during ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ processional

male ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ student smiling at camera standing at seat during processional

ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ principal dr. Paula kent looking down at notes at podium

view of United States flag during national anthem

female ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ class officer at the podium speaking

\wide view of entire ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ graduating class

MISD superintendent Shawn Pratt at podium certifying that graduates have met graduation requirements

graduates seated, smiling and clapping

valedictorian Nora Kristafek smiling for photo while holding up diploma

female ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ graduate hugs staff member after crossing the stage with diploma

female ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ graduate shaking hands with board member larry jagours on stage

female ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ graduate hugs her mother tightly after her mother presented her diploma

female graduate looking back toward someone in line and pointed at them

male ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ graduate making an humorous face for photo with diploma

mhs graduates standing in front of their seats after receiving diplomas

female ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ student pointing at diploma and making an excited face for photo

male graduate gets help straightening out his stole from a staff member

female graduate holding up diploma and smiling on way back to seat

female ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ grad posing for photo with principal paula kent

board vice president amy dankel presents a diploma

male student waiting in line looking up toward stage

female ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ staff member and graduate daughter wait in line to go on stage

male ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ student taking a selfie with Board member Harvey Oaxaca onstage

male ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ graduate hugs board member larry jagours

male mhs graduate on ramp to stage looks toward audience while waving

male ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ graduates wait to be seating after returning from stage to receive diplomas

female graduate in line waiting to go on stage for diploma

male staff member waits with graduate daughter to go onstage to present her diploma to her

staff member mother and graduate daughter wait in line with smiles

board member larry jagours presents a diploma to a graduate

line of students standing in front of their seats after receiving diplomas

male staff member adjusts the stole of a male ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ graduate

ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ AP Robert Quash laughs with a graduate in line

female mhs graduate posing for photo with Principal paula kent

mhs male graduate waits in line wearing sunglasses

male ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ graduate poses for a photo with principal paula kent

male ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ graduate on stage shaking hands

female graduate smiles at camera as she waits in line

male ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ graduate onstage receiving his diploma

female ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ graduate in line looks to her right

male ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ graduate leans out of line and looks at camera

female staff member hugging graduate onstage

two staff members wait in line with their graduate daughter to present her diploma

principal paula kent helps a female graduate put her hat back on

female graduate smiles at board member larry jagours and offers sign of respect as she crosses the stage

female student shakes larry jagours hand on stage

Superintendent Shawn Pratt shakes the hand of the final ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ graduate

female graduate looking up toward a male graduate and smiling

male graduate choir member climbing steps to stage with other choir members

mhs senior choir members on stage singing

line of graduates in front row raising their hands and holding hands during school song

graduates hugging after ceremony

female graduate hurrying toward friends after the ceremony

graduates looking up at camera and smiling as the crowd exits the building

male mhs students take a selfie after the ceremony

female graduates gather and smile after the ceremony

male ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ graduate waves toward the audience after the ceremony

McKinney North High School

Valedictorian: Sohee Kim
Salutatorian: Benjamin Edwards

North graduates take part in the traditional tossing of the caps

North valedictorian Sohee Kim walking toward podium with a smile

North female graduate shaking larry jagour's hand on stage

North salutatorian benjamin Edwards speaking at the podium

North male graduate hugs Shawn Pratt on stage after receiving diploma

North staff members walking in with school banners during processional

violin players in the orchestra warm up before the ceremony

North Principal Jae Gaskill stands on a ladder with microphone and gives instructions to graduates

male North graduates backstage before the ceremony adjusting tassel

more North orchestra members playing violins

line of North graduates entering the arena during processional

North male graduate looking back and waving toward someone in the audience

male North graduate walking to seat during processional

female North graduate waving toward someone while walking to seat during processional

line of North graduates standing in front of seats during processional and looking up toward the video screens

male North graduate during processional looking to the side with hand on head to adjust cap

female North graduate looking at camera between two people in front of her with hand to mouth laughing

female North graduate looking up toward video screen during processional

North teacher Faisal Khan stands in front of seat during processional

male North graduate looking back over his shoulder toward the audience while standing at chair during processional

close up of female North graduate looking up during processional

North principal Jae Gaskill at the podium speaking

male and female North students looking back toward audience

female North class officer speaking at podium

North choir director Chris Ahrens conducting the choir

North choir members singing onstage holding microphones

male North choir members from side angle holding microphones and singing on stage

salutatorian Ben Edwards hugs principal jae gaskill

North valedictorian Sohee Kim at podium speaking

MISD superintendent Shawn Pratt speaking at podium to certify graduates

North female graduates in line while one helps another adjust her hair

female north graduate smiles and poses for photo with Jae Gaskill

female North graduate makes a fun gesture and expression for photo with diploma

female North graduate in line smiling

female graduate waits at the edge of the stage for her name to be called

male graduate in line smiles at camera while flexing bicep

female graduate smiles excitedly for fun photo with diploma

female graduate in line smiling and giving thumbs up to camera

board secretary harvey oaxaca reaches to shake hands with a graduate

staff member mother and graduate daughter wait in line and smile for camera

staff member mother and father wait in line with graduate daughter and smile for camera

close up of female North graduate in line waiting to go onstage

board member lynn sperry extends hand and smiles as graduate approaches

staff member mom and graduate daughter hug onstage with smiles after mom presented diploma

female North graduate in line smiles toward camera with hands held below chin

male North graduate shakes larry jagours hand on stage

staff member mom and graduate son wait in line together

male North student gestures with hands behind ears while smiling toward camera

staff member mom hugs graduate son on stage

staff member mom and graduate daughter stand next to each other and smile for photo while in line

staff member reaches to receive name card from graduate before handing it to the announcer

male graduate walks confidently across stage with a smile

Board member Chad Green shakes the hand of a graduate while presenting diploma

staff member mom hugs graduate son on stage after presenting diploma

staff member mom extends arms to hug graduate daughter after presenting diploma to her

board member stephanie o'Dell extends hand and smiles as graduate approaches

male graduate standing in line looking up toward stage while he waits

staff member mom hands diploma to graduate daughter as both smile

Board vice president amy dankel presents diploma to a male graduate

staff member mom smiles at graduate daughter while holding up diploma toward her

graduates wait at the side of the stage for their name to be called

female graduate walks up ramp to stage while smiling

final North graduate reaches to shake the hand of board member Chad Green


female North class president Janiya Jones speaks at the podium

view of entire North graduating class seating at the arena

female North class officer at podium speaking

the North turning of the tassel

female North class officer at the podium speaking

male graduate holds up diploma and raises a hand triumphantly into the air

North female student takes a photo with principal Jae Gaskell on stage

North graduates standing at seats and singing the school song

female student holding diploma stops to smile at the camera as students file out following the ceremony

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